WhatsApp Update Lets You Hide "Last Seen" Notification On Android

Deep Dey
By -Deep Dey
Ever since its launch, WhatsApp has always taken flak concerning privacy. Especially, the 'Last Seen' feature has been major headache for Android users, who couldn't turn this notification off. Surprisingly, the provision to hide it on iOS has been there for quite some time.
Today, with the release of v2.11.169, WhatsApp has finally brought the 'anti-stalker' feature to Android. No more will your annoying friend know when you were last using your phone. In short, you can set it to be seen by certain contacts or simply turn it off.
Next up, is the ability to turn off Group Chat Notifications. WhatsApp now gives you better control over your group conversations, by allowing you to mute those annoying groups and not actually see any notifications. This is a welcome change since watching those hundreds notifications upon unlocking your phone isn't a pleasant site.
Last feature allows you to pay for a friend’s WhatsApp account extension. One can choose  from 1, 3 or even a 5 year extension to the world’s largest messaging network via Google Wallet, PayPal or simply sending across a payment link. The Broadcast Notification options have been removed in this version, but the app still allows you to send broadcast messages. The update is currently not up on the Play Store yet, but one can download the latest .apk installer from the link given below.