How To Set/Change IMEI For Android Tablet/Smartphone

Deep Dey
By -Deep Dey
1 minute read

Hello everyone .
-------Set/Change IMEI For any  Android Tablet or mobile-------

For Single Sim Device


* Tablet ROOT-ed MUST rooted to make it succes!

* Terminal Emulatör Apps - Suggest usin Android Terminal Emulator, install this apps to your phoone !

----THE STEP'S ----

* Open Android Terminal Emulatör

*Type SU then press ENTER button to get Superuser permmison

* After that, type this command then press ENTER button

echo 'AT+EGMR=1,7,"IMEI_NUMBER"' >/dev/pttycmd1


echo AT+EGMR=1*7*IMEI_1 >/dev/pttycmd1

* Last step, reboot your tablet and DONE!
enjoy :)

For Dual Sim Phones

1. rooted android phone or tablet.
2. install android terminal emulator app
3. open android terminal emulator.
4. Type SU then press ENTER
5. type following command then Eneter echo ‘AT+EGMR=1,7, “IMEI_NUMBER” ‘ >/dev/pttycmd1
6. if your phone is dual-sim, typ this command then ENTER echo ‘AT+EGMR=1,10, “IMEI_NUMBER” ‘ >/dev/pttycmd1
7. Last step, reboot your phone/tablet and done.

Today | 25, March 2025