Samsung Galaxy S5 Launch Almost Confirmed for MWC 2014

Deep Dey
By -Deep Dey
he Samsung Galaxy S5 rumor-mill is on a roll for last few weeks with several launch dates speculated for the next big Android phone launch, but the latest reports point towards a February announcement, right in time for MWC 2014.
According to this news report from the Korean site, iNews24, Samsung’s executive vice president and head of design strategy, Dong-hoon Chang has said that the rumors about the Galaxy S5 would rock up at Mobile World Congress were “about right”. Well, that’s what the Google translated version says, and hence the small doubt in the title.

The Galaxy S4 was launched in March last year, at a special event in London, and it went on sales in late April. There have been reports that Samsung might launch the Galaxy S5 a little earlier this year, as the sales of Galaxy S4 weren’t as per their expectation. So the MWC 2014 launch date fits well with those reports.
Earlier today, Eldar Murtazin, who is known for his predictions and leaks in the mobile tech space, tweeted that Galaxy S5 won’t launch at MWC 2014, and will follow last year’s release cycle of Galaxy S4. Sadly, his predictions have been way off the mark in recent times to put your money on. But then, with so much hype surrounding the S5, Samsung might as well launch it in a separate event and then show it off at MWC 2014 in Barcelona.
Going back to iNews24′s report, Samsung is still evaluating whether to use a new material such as metal for the S5, and whether it’ll have a flexible display like the Galaxy Round. The Galaxy S5 is also expected to be a beast with its internals, with some reports suggesting it to come with a true Octa-core processor paired with 4GB of RAM. Other rumored features include eyeball-scanning tech enabling ‘look to unlock’ feature and 2K screen.