How to Fix the Glowing Red Border on Your Samsung Galaxy S III's Display

Deep Dey
By -Deep Dey

So, you finally got the Jelly Bean update on your Samsung Galaxy S III, but one little problem—you've got some red glow around the edges of your screen now. Is your phone messed up? No, it's just a tiny glitch that some users have been reporting after updating their Galaxy S3s to Android 4.1.1, and there are a few quick ways to get rid of it.

Method #1

Go to Developer Settings in the Settings menu on your phone, then turn offStrick Mode. This mode makes the screen flash when certain applications are using a lot of system power.
Then turn of Strict Mode. This mode makes the screen flash when certain applications are using a lot of system.

Method #2

Simply hold down the power button for 10-20 seconds to soft reset it.

Method #3

Press and hold the Volume Up + Home + Power button simultaneously to hard reset it. Then, when in recovery mode, select Factory reset.
You can also go to Settings -> Back up and reset -> Factory data reset -> Reset device -> Reset everything. Be sure to BACKUP your device before doing this, since it will wipe you phone clean. This is a last resort method.
All three of these methods have been known to resolve the problem, but the first method is the easiest and should be your primary option.