Reason to have a personal Blog :: Techrival

Deep Dey
By -Deep Dey

During the short time I have been blogging seriously, it has quickly dawned on me how powerful blogging is when you put your heart and soul into it. The feedback you get is incredible. Maintaining a blog not only improves your writing, but it also completely transforms your life.
It’s a difficult beast to pin down. By having your own blog, you effectively increase your reach and let more people find out about who you truly are. Now, there are plenty of bloggers out there who seem to have no soul and no voice.

These are usually the people that are blogging for reasons other than following their passion. If you want to succeed, you have to follow your passion and be authentic. If you’re not, people will see right through you and go somewhere else. The reasons for blogging are many, but here are six of my favorites:

1. Confidence

When you blog, you have to put yourself out there and be authentic. No one wants to listen to you if you’re holding it all in. Blogging is about sharing who you are. I was afraid to do this at first, but then I just decided to let it all out.
The feedback has been surprising and overwhelming. Once you get more comfortable in your writing, you can start making videos, giving interviews or even talks. Who knows where it may lead? Are you beginning to see how blogging can improve your confidence? It’s all about taking small steps.

2. Connections

When you have a blog, like-minded people will naturally gravitate to you and strike up conversations. You have the ability to meet people you never would have met otherwise. Now, it will not happen automatically, you will have to promote your blog and build links.
As you connect with more and more people your reach expands and you’re naturally getting involved in all sorts of things. There is no predicting where life will take you, especially when you make connections and share value with others.

3. Opportunities

We’ve all heard about the bloggers that have gotten book deals, speaking gigs and even jobs. If you write a blog about what you love, then there is always a chance that it could happen to you. Make no mistake though, you have to be good at what you do.
The best way is to simply blog about a topic you’re passionate about. What would you blog about if money didn’t exist? That is a question that gets a blank stare from most people. Get clear on what you like to do and start doing it. You’ll be surprised at what can happen.

4. Clarity

As you write more and more, you will start to experience a sense of clarity. I’ve never been someone that keeps a journal, but when I started blogging and writing my thoughts and experiences down, something shifted within me.
There’s something about writing down your thoughts that gives you a sense of relief and peace. It’s almost as if you’re unloading your thoughts into the sheet of virtual paper inside your computer.

5. Self-Improvement

There is no doubt that someone who has been blogging seriously for several years has grown in several areas of their life. Blogging takes discipline, creativity, patience and strategy, just to name a few.
If you’re going after hardcore blogging fame, then you will definitely grow if you keep going. There will be times when you won’t feel like writing. There will be times when you will feel discouraged. There will be times when someone sent you a nasty e-mail and you just want to quit.
Getting through these challenges is what keeps us growing. Without any challenges, life would be boring and ultimately meaningless. Growth would stagnate and nothing would happen. Look at these negative experiences as growth opportunities.

6. Value

If you write about a topic you’re deeply passionate about and share your true feelings and experiences, you are automatically delivering value and great content to the world. There is always someone out there like you that can benefit from reading or connecting with you.
We are all inspired to write or talk about something. That inspiration happens for a reason. There’s someone on the other end wanting you to share. If you feel inspired to share something, just do it.

Is that Reason Enough?

There will never be a perfect opportunity to start blogging. Perfect circumstances do not exist, so if you’re on the edge trying to decide whether or not to go for it, start now! You never know where your blog may be in the next month, or even months if you just start now and put your heart into it.
Do you think these six reasons only are enough to get people into blogging? If you don’t have a blog, what kind of things do you want to hear to get you more pumped? If you do have a blog, what kind of things got you pumped to start it?