Pingdom : Website Monitoring Service

Deep Dey
By -Deep Dey

Pingdom is a website uptime monitoring service which monitors your website every minute for downtime globally. It eventually alerts you via SMS or email when your website is down. The service is reliable and used by many high profile websites.
Pindom monitors your website based on the resolution check type you set in your control panel. Pingdom has multiple uptime monitoring packages which you can choose. You can easily measure your website uptime with this great online service. Pingdom checks your site from multiple locations and checks for maximum downtime possibility and alerts you immediately via SMS or email.
Pingdom offers three packages for your website. Website monitoring is not very easy for a system. Many website monitoring services fail to report and they just show outdated reports. The reliability is a great factor to monitor a website uptime. Thus, there may be a small fee for monitoring your website. Monitoring a website needs many technical systems and algortihms to be used and its much advanced , so naturally it may incur a small fee.
Fortunately, Pingdom offers three packages, Free, Basic and Business packages. The free package comes with only one site monitoring with reports and its the best solution for small websites who does not need advanced tracking.
Others can switch to Basic and Business packages and start monitoring the website right now. You can use the reports generated by Pingdom to claim any credit if your web hosting provider does not give you the promised uptime.
Check out now , , a free and reliable website uptime monitoring service.