SONICBOMB Bed-Shaking Alarm Clock

Deep Dey
By -Deep Dey

There are occasions we all need a little help getting out of bed, especially on cold winter mornings with work beckoning. For those of us that need a little extra nudge the Sonic Boom Bed Shaking Alarm Clock is just what the doctor (or maybe the boss) ordered!
Racking up a massive 113 decibels in volume, to put that into perspective a pneumatic drill registers at 110 decibels, this ultra-loud sonic alarm is a dead cert to wake even the living impaired (Zombies or teenagers to you and me). But it doesn’t stop there, just to make sure, the Sonic Bomb alarm clock, also comes with a viciously effective vibrating pad which is to be inserted under your mattress to shake you out of bed and onto the floor.
Luckily the alarm clock also comes with all the functions you would expect such as snooze button, battery back-up, Red LED display for night visibility, as well as a handy volume control for if you don’t need the alarm at full power (or if the neighbours start complaining!).
Perfect for anyone who’s fond of the infamous “Just five more minutes” this is one alarm clock that can’t fail to wake you up and get you ready and alert for the day ahead.